
…and then HE said…

As most of you know, I am a Christian. In addition to petitioning God for help, I also listen for what He would have me do. This is not to say I always like it, but I have to do it if I wish to be a true follower of Christ.

As I mentioned in my last post, I have given up my right to be angry about the cancer and its aftermath. Yesterday, the Still Small Voice whispered that I had something else to give up. Something that has gone on much longer. There was a person in my life who, over the course of many years, harmed our family in numerous ways. I have long nursed my anger at this person. God says I have to give that up, too. So, here I go again. I am giving up…MY RIGHT TO BE ANGRY AT THIS PERSON. I am done. I may have to do this every day, too. So, more prayers, please! Thanks!~~TSG

1 Response to “…and then HE said…”

  1. January 12, 2015 at 1:57 am

    Giving up your right to be angry at that person is one of the steps to forgiveness. Hard to do, but so very rewarding.

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